Wednesday, May 7, 2008

slowing the pace

I recently made the decision to stop booking shows. I really just don't have the time for it anymore. I would have to say that the biggest reason that I stopped is because of a lack of appreciation and a lack of respect. Let me explain this. I don't want anyone to appreciate me for booking shows. I could care less about that. I've never booked shows for my benefit. So get that out of your head. I tend to book bands that no one else here will book. In return, I get 15-20 kids out for the show. All I've ever wanted was for kids to appreciate the fact that different bands are coming to our city. I wanted kids to realize there are more bands in the scene than the ones they jock. I wanted kids to be open minded about different styles of hardcore and different types of people. Above all, I wanted kids to show support for touring bands and show support for their scene. As far as the respect issue goes, respect the fact that touring bands want to come to your city. I think it shows nothing but disrespect to not support touring bands. Yes, I already know all the arguments. Yes, I understand that not everyone can make it out to every show. I understand we all have other shit that we've got to take care of sometimes. What no one can argue with though is the fact that I could book a show one night and have 15-20 kids show up. There could be a show the very next night and if there are bands playing that kids here jock, there will be 200-300 kids there. Explain that to me! There's nothing else you can say because we all know that its true. Alot of people feel like the Atlanta scene is a joke at this point. I kind of agree with them. I feel like part of the reason people feel that way is because of shit like this. Venues get double booked because people that run certain venues don't communicate with promoters. People forgot how to promote. Everyone talks shit on the forums. There's just no community anymore. There was a time in Atlanta where we had a community. Even though not everyone got along, we all went to shows and had a good time. It also didn't really matter what the show was. We all just wanted to go because it was a show. I'm starting to trail off here. Let me wrap this up by saying that Atlanta has the potential to be great again. But, its going to take alot of hard work and effort on EVERYONE'S part. People need to actually support this scene and not be flaky little shits. Say what you want, you know I'm right.

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